Small, standard MPP header:
Eye Shadow
Small, standard MPP header with italicized subtitle that has a max-width:
Eye Shadow
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquq."
Small, standard MPP header with non-italicized subtitle and no max-width:
Bobbi's Beauty Go-To's
Ten signiture Bobbi products you'll never want to be without.
Large header with max-width around both the title and subtitle:
Sparkle, Shimmer, Metallic or Matte?
We break down all of our Eye Shadow formulas.
Pretty much the same deal as the one above:
Find Your Bronze
Bobbi has a range of finishes to get you glowing.
Background image that scales/crops responsively with large text aligned left. Text is 40% the width of the container with a maximum width of 400px:
Bobbi's Mascara Guide
Find your perfect lash look with our range of mascara formulas.
Background image that scales responsively but never crops (the entire header height changes to accomodate it) with centered, medium text. The text is 46% the width of the container with a maximum width of 480px:

Bobbi's Dark Circles Emergency Kit
Covering dark circles is as easy as 1, 2, 3.